Welcome to RCFUNDS On-line Help! Location: Mutual Fund Table Function: Allows Set-up/Deletion of Accounts. Also provides "At a glance" summary of all accounts. Hot Keys: Adds new account Deletes account and ALL DATA FILES for that account Updates NAV of highlighted account Notice the after NAV? The arrows indicate directional change in NAV since last entry Welcome to RCFUNDS On-line Help! Location: Transaction Edit/Entry Screen Function: Maintain a Single Fund's Transactions Hot Keys: None The Transaction Edit/Entry Screen is the vehicle to modify an existing Registry. Enter the fields as prompted. If an NAV, or Shares is ommitted the program will compute the missing value. Welcome to RCFUNDS On-line Help! Location: Report Device Display Function: Allows user to configure where reports will be printed Hot Keys: Change Current Configuration Deletes Current Configuration Changing Report Device allows output to screen and all ports. Welcome to RCFUNDS On-line Help! Location: Account Entry/Deletion form Function: Allows Addition/Creation of Fund Account Hot Keys: None The Account Entry Form will prompt for Field Name and Abbreviation. The Abbreviation is used to create data files, and must be UNIQUE. RCFUNDS will double check Welcome to RCFUNDS On-line Help! Location: Main Menu Function: Select available Functions Hot Keys: Exits Main Menu/ Help on all screens! 7Enter Fund Transaction Summerize All Funds PCreate Mutual Funds Break Down Transactions PReport Output Device Single Fund Registry Welcome to RCFUNDS On-line Help! Location: Mutual Fund Registry Table Function: Display all Transactions of a Single Mutual Fund Hot Keys: Adds a new Transaction Edits an Existing Transaction Deletes a Transaction Updates the NAV without entering a Transaction The Registry displays a large amount of information. The Accessed Fund is found at the top. Each Transaction scrolls in the middle. Current Numeric Values are calculated at the base. Welcome to RCFUNDS On-line Help! Location: NAV Update Screen Function: Allows user to update NAV without adding a transaction Hot Keys: None Many mutual fund owners enjoy watching the NAV climb (hopefully!). RCFUNDS provides for the ability to constantly update the NAV without a transaction, enabling a constant recalculation of fund value. Welcome to RCFUNDS On-line Help! Location: Report Device Entry/Edit Form Function: Allows Entry of Desired Report Output Destination Hot Keys: None DEVICES CON: Console Monitor PRN: First Parallel Port LPT1: First Parallel Port LPT2: Second Parallel Port LPT3: Third Parallel Port AUX: First Serial Port COM1: First Serial Port COM2: Second Serial Port NUL: No device selected !ACCOUNT ADD CONFIG CON_F , FORM MAIN REGISTERw UP_NAV